Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Chef's Secret - Poached Eggs

The Chef's Secret - Poached Eggs
Sunday 13 January, 2008

My breakfast buddy yesterday shared a recent edition of Delicious magazine. Inside is Matt Moran's Chef Secret - how to make perfect poached eggs.

For regular readers, you know eggs benedict is my all time favourite breakfast treat and that I've never been able to make perfect poached eggs.

I've tried to follow a few different guides over the years including Stephanie Alexander's - Cook's Companion with little success.

Matt's step by step guide looked relatively straight forward and I was up for the challenge. So, this morning with my farm fresh eggs, gathered on a recent trip to Goulburn, I gave it a go.

Step 1: Crack the egg into a cup with plastic wrap across the opening. Pull the sides of the plastic up, twist and knot firmly.

Step 2: Slowly place in saucepan of boiling water.

Step 3: Cook to order. For runny eggs boil for less than 4 mins. For hard eggs boil for 7 mins. It worked!


Blogger grocer said...

If you use truly fresh eggs, poaching them should never be a problem. If you buy your eggs at the supermarket, it will always be hit and miss, and then this is a very good technique.

Just add vinegar to the water, bring to the boil, turn down to a simmer when you put the eggs in (so they don't get roughed up in the turmoil) and voila!

6:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am VERY impressed!

9:31 pm  

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