Briars Inn, Moss Vale Rd, Bowral

Monday 23 July, 2007
Waking on this glorious, sunny morning you could be forgiven for thinking it was over 30 degrees outside. I opened the door to our room and was harshly reminded that it was in fact only 5 degrees - very cold.
Even more amusing was arriving for breakfast at the Briars Inn and discovering they had shipped in snow for a Christmas in July function the night before. The small steps and entrance into the Inn were lined with thick, icy blocks that hadn't melted overnight.
The Briars Inn breakfast is a buffet. Once you provide your room number to the staff on arrival you can sit anywhere. The table set up is a series of small tables and a large share table. There's the cereal table with about 10 different offerings - I always feel compelled to mix my cereals when presented with so many options; the cold section with fresh fruit salad, yoghurt, large bowls of halved apricots and plums; the juice section with a variety of flavours; the bread section with wholemeal, brown, white, thick & thin loaves; the hot section with bacon, scrambled eggs, baked beans, sauteed mushrooms and roasted tomatoes plus tea & coffee.
It's a decent spread and during a leisurely breakfast you can easily manage something from each section. The staff also lay out several copies of the NSW papers that you can borrow. I'm not a fan of percolated coffee so left breakfast each morning craving real coffee but overall was impressed with the Briars Inn breakfast......especially as they stayed open till 10am.
Briars Inn - Moss Vale Rd, Bowral - (02) 4868 3566
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