Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sky Phoenix, Castlereagh Street,

Sky Phoenix, Castlereagh Street, Sydney
Sunday 26 November, 2006

The last time I visited I summed up the experience as 'yum cha with a smile'. I'm pleased to report that today's experience was no different. My china buddy and I decided to make a day of everything Chinese. We started with yum cha, followed by a trip to the Powerhouse Museum for the new exhibit, The Great Wall of China: dynasties, dragons and warriors.

I love the look and feel of Sky Phoenix - it's very different to your typical tired looking, run down Chinese dining space. It's slick, modern and refreshing to walk into such an inviting space. We were seated and within minutes the trolleys arrived. We were selective and enjoyed the dishes:

- Vegetable spring rolls
- Prawn dumplings
- BBQ pork
- Vegetable dumplings
- Roast duck
- Sweet pork buns
- Egg custard tarts
- Mango pancakes

Everything was superb. We paced ourselves and had long breaks between each couple of dishes to savour every mouthful. Particular mention must go to the BBQ pork - it was tender with a slightly crisp outer edge and the sweetness of the sauce drizzled over the top was just delicious.

By midday the place was packed but it's such a large space that you don't feel overwhelmed. There are also 3 private rooms that have been named after precious stones e.g. 'Ruby' and 'Sapphire' and a lounge at the front to enjoy a quiet drink.

The toilets are also worth mentioning. They are easily the largest cubicles I have ever seen - enough room to swing your handbag in.

The staff are pleasant and circulate regularly. As I heard recently, 'Sky Phoenix trolleys circulate 25% more than any other yum cha establishment'. I'm not sure if this is accurate but it certainly feels like it.

Sky Phoenix - Level 3, Sky Garden, 77 Castlereagh St, Sydney - T: 9223 8822


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