Lindt Chocolat Cafe, George St, Sydney

Friday 14 September, 2007
What were they thinking? A new Lindt cafe has sprung up within walking distance of our office. We have watched with anticipation as the cafe came to life over the past few weeks and eagerly awaited the Thursday opening. This afternoon a very wise team member suggested we road test the new cafe...........purely research, of course.
The new cafe commands a huge space near the Suncorp & NAB buildings on George St. There is dining inside and out and a plush, inviting interior that ensures you feel very welcome. There are also well dressed staff mingling by the entrance to greet you and direct you to the right place. It's a little cream station, chocolate boxes, single chocolates, chocolate blocks, desserts, drinks etc.
The Lindt story goes...."Sydney has been the first to experience the mouth watering offerings of Lindt. The first Lindt Chocolat Café (and the world’s first) is located in Martin Place. While Lindt chocolates are manufactured and available world-wide no other countries have their own Lindt Chocolat Cafes. Lindt is a world-class premium chocolate company that has a long and evolved history which began in Switzerland in 1845. Now they enjoy the reputation of being at the forefront of contemporary chocolate suppliers’ renowned for their innovation, quality and Swiss chocolate making tradition."
We decided to sit inside as a storm had just swept over the CBD and were directed to a couple of tables with very comfortable, well padded leather chairs. The decor is dark wood panelling with caramel coloured chairs. The staff were pleasant and keen to impress showering us with more menus and friendly banter. The menu is extensive with plenty of drinks (including tea and coffee for those don't do chocolate), a series of lunch offerings, and a mega list of desserts. What to have????
As it was afternoon tea our group opted for milkshakes, mochas, hot chocolates plus a late and tea. We anxiously awaited their arrival whilst taking in the delicious chocolate aroma of the store. We watched as the staff moved around the floor chatting with diners and sharing their love of chocolate. What a wonderful environment to work in.
My chocolate milkshake was prepared with Lindt ice cream and topped with sprinkles of white & milk chocolate. It was incredibly indulgent and presented in a tall glass. The first sip was delightfully sweet and I feared it would bring on a chocolate cardiac arrest.
There's an entire menu at the Lindt Chocolat Cafe to work we'll be back.
Lindt Chocolat Cafe, Cnr George & Grosvenor Sts, Sydney
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